Sunday, August 29, 2010

So many weddings

So little time.

I can remember a few months back thinking the Virginia heat would suffocate me. Now that it's beginning to get cooler outside (at least in the morning) I think back to these last few months and feel extremely tired :) So, to get you all up to speed here's what I've been doing:

- visited Mimi and bought the same shoes in different colors
- flight to Oz
- Cara and Toff got hitched on a winter beach
- formed a "pinkies up" club (dad membership included)
- flight home from Oz
- Floudfest (four days of music and booze and heat stroke)
- Brooke came for a visit and we realized we are old
- flight to Cape Cod
- Uncle Eric and Mark got hitched on a hurricane beach
- played lots of Taboo
- flight home from Cape Cod
- packing packing packing

Whew, two weddings down and one more to go. Three weddings in only three months. Now, it's not a big secret that I wasn't the biggest fan of weddings but I am happy to say I am now a convert. So all other family and friends please feel free to get married and invite me :) Here's a preview of the next month: Newcomb fun at the lake, Coro and Taylor get hitched, Cara comes to visit, and I move into a house!

I'll try not to neglect you.
Smoochies, Kiki