Sunday, March 31, 2013

I miss you the most when...

I can convince our glorious mother to home wax our legs. You know. Typical mother-daughter bonding.

For those of you who have been under a rock, my sister is expecting her next baby.


Love, Child.

Soon to be Love, Child2.
So, like any expectant mother that is about to kick said LoveChild from the womb, she's feeling a bit under the weather. Add to that a stomach bug and I've got one sad MamaSis on my hands.

How do I cheer up my MamaSis when she's halfway around the globe? How do I make her giggle, if only for a millisecond when LC isn't giving her a swift roundhouse to the bladder? By sweet talking our mother into self waxing our legs. At the kitchen table. And sharing the tale. Duh.


Growing up with dark unruly thick Newcomb hair while my mothers hair is more kin to albino didn't give me much in the way of visual guidance. I only had my razor, an unwillingness to actually press the razor to my skin, and a role model who shaves once every 3 months leading to unrealistically high expectations for what my legs should look like. Thanks Ma and my gene pool. Being swimmers when we were younger meant there was a reason to shave, "swim meets on Saturday, better shave to be ridiculouslysmallamountoftimefaster than everyone else" for ten years. Combine the end of my swim career with having to wear pants to work everyday and you get one lazy shaver. Surprise? (Not really.)

Fun Fact: I have super sensitive skin to the point I have to be careful what laundry detergent I buy, making shaving not so high on my priority list. Breakout vs. hair is the battle of my life.

Fun Fact #2: My mother never shared Fun Fact #1 until my skin broke out when I was washing my own clothes in college. Wag of my finger, mother, I was terrified to wash my sheets.

Fun fact #3: I used to beg Cara to pluck my eyebrows. She never did. Tip of the hat, I probably would have cried.


I've been thinking about getting my legs waxed, well at least for the past three years, but fear of pain and embarrassment at my aforementioned hairy legs held me back. Until this past week. I went! I cried like a baby did it! After paying (what I thought) a ridiculous amount of money to have someone else rip my hairs out, I decided to Pinterest-matters into my own hands

Step 1:
Make sugar wax. I have found there is some controversy about the best recipe to use. I was pleasantly ignorant that there was another way, so this is the way I did it.

2 cups sugar
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup H2O

Water, lemon juice, sugar.
Heat on Medium-High.
Heat some more. Don't burn it.
Honestly, it takes about 30 minutes, have a glass of wine.
Step 2:
Let hot sugar cool in air tight container, I left it over night.

Step 3:
Gather hair ripping equipment.

Old sheet cut into strips, baby powder, home made sugar wax.
Step 4:
Convince your Mama that this is a solid idea. Preferably include some alcohol.

Step 5:
Reheat sugar in microwave (honestly what do people do without these things?) for 30 seconds, wipe legs with baby powder, apply thin coating of sugar against the grain, press old sheet strip into sugar, deep breath, and rip hair out with the grain.

Step 6:
Do not pass Go, do not collect $200, take a shower before you start attracting bees.

Mother tested, daughter approved. This worked! I found it was less painful than my over-priced professional hair ripping hell. Added bonus, we didn't curse nearly as loud as I was expecting but at least we were allowed to curse since we were in the privacy of our own home.

I hope I was able to bring a smile slash take your mind off that growing belly for just a little bit. I miss you the most... because you would have been right there with us. Curses and all.
Your Kiki