Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Conquering the Wild Wild Wests

While C+T are off at work making the big bucks, I have been left to putter around the house. When I realized I was on track to finish A Game of Thrones in less than two weeks (seriously people, why have you not read this book yet?), and I was tired of washing dishes and staring at ceilings, I went out back and found my project.

The Wilderness, pre-Kiki attack


Years spent helping mom in her various flower beds and gardens back in Virginia did not prepare me for the mammoth weeds here in Oz. It is nice to walk away not covered in red clay but no lie, some reach well past my waist with roots that won't budge even when all my body weight is thrown into it. There are definitely more weeds to be pulled (don't worry Ma!) and after that a garden to be planted, but at least I've got it looking like a place where vegetables may want to grow in the future.

For Alanna, he's longer than my index finger!
I named him Clive.
You were probably wondering why on earth I would be staring at ceilings, well... Ever since I started telling people I would be visiting Australia for several months to aid C+T when their bundle of joy/spit/poop arrives, they would immediately say one of the following statements: "Wait, don't you think babies are aliens?" or "What about all the spiders!?"

As every bright scholar before me I turned to ... Google. There are two species of highly venomous spiders in Oz. The funnel-web spider, which hasn't had a recorded death since 1981 after the anti-venom was introduced, and the mouse spider, which are not heavily abundant in populated areas. According to the Australian Museum "where ever you live, you're always close to a spider." Gee, thanks guys. I now feel totally neurotic safe(?) All I can imagine is hoards of spiders slowly creeping up on me while I type this sentence. Which is why (along with my weed hacking abilities) I have taken to ceiling patrol. For some reason I remember a story from my childhood, where some ancestor was believed to actually hear spiders walking on ceilings. I believe I have been granted that genetic super power. So, as C+T roll their eyes from their places on the couch, my tally is now Kiki+Vacuum = 11, Spiders who dwell on our ceilings = 0.

Much love and happy hunting

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