Monday, November 28, 2011

Hello Fall?

It's Kiki calling.

Except around here, it isn't fall. That's right people, it's springtime in Oz (and I have Charlotte spinning her web behind the toilet to prove it ... or she has decided to entertain herself by tormenting my every pee). But enough about baby spiders, there are a lot of wonderful things about spring. It's finally warm enough to go to the beach (yay!) and get sun burnt between your shoulder blades (where is Ma's awesome lotion paint roller when I need it?). I know the Australian sun is hot/awful/blistering but it isn't really summer until I get sun burnt. And with Thanksgiving last week and Christmas music starting to be played, I am trying to subconsciously tell myself that it can be Santa time while sweating like a maniac. My subconscious isn't buying it. This time of year, you should be out smelling leaves. Piles and piles (and piles and piles at casa de Newcomb in the CVL). And apple picking. And sweaters and scarves. And be able to tell it's going to snow by the smell. And see obnoxious Christmas lights plastered throughout every American suburb. Without the increased electricity bill subtle hints that the time has come to eat too much turkey and chop down a tree, how am I supposed to sing Christmas carols?

So I did what every good American should do - I baked and sugared the crap outta some pumpkin. And then I blasted Mariah Carey as loud as it could go.

See my apron!
It's not a holiday until a Newcomb does a Jaeger bomb
Pecan blue cheese sweet potatoes
Apple cider pear brussel sprouts
 I won't lie, even the pictures of everything I've cooked look good. The secret is out, I can feed people. And thanks to inspiration a la Mimi Fitzpatrick, I got myself a fun apron. And in case you haven't heard, I am in love. With a mister baby named Trip. Here's an old video from Trip's first visit to Adelaide and his first ever Belgian Beer Cafe experience (BBC is my haven, good beer on tap! Shocking for Australia) and his pesky hat.

Sorry that it's sideways... (computer illiterate, and even though I can only watch it vertically, the interweb insists you watch it horizontally) but it's definitely still funny.


Apple cider pear brussel sprouts:
Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in fry pan, place brussel sprouts cut side down and brown for about 10 minutes, flipping only once. Add a diced apple and diced pear, sprinkle with cinnamon (I bet ginger would be good, I added candied balsamic vinegar and it was a poor choice). Cook until soft, about 5 minutes, add 1 cup apple cider (I used The Hills hard cider, if you like to drink it, why not use it?) and simmer until all the liquid is gone. Yum!

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