Monday, January 30, 2012

Less than 5 weeks

Rosie and Devin at our beach
Christmas went by in a blur of food and wrapping paper. For every present Cara, Toff, and I opened, we would alternate opening a Trip present (to Trip: Thanks buddy! And don't give me that pout, you can't even hold onto wrapping paper yet). I must say, I was super excited to see what Santa brought him. Duh. We went to the beach on Christmas Eve, and although we opened presents and ate tons of food and drank Christmas drink, it really wasn't Christmas. No chill in the air. No crazy Wal-Mart stampedes. No Christmas sweaters. Another American in the house, Rosie, has decided to celebrate Christmas in Oz in June. Brilliant idea, and the weather agrees.

Then New Years Eve came, and even though Cara is a sleep deprived new Mama, she loves me so, and took a nap, then sprung back up in time for me to get off work. We strolled down to the beach, leaving Trip and Toff to sleep look after each other, and drank a bottle of wine, watching fire works. We didn't cure world hunger or find everlasting peace, but we did get serenaded by a swimming naked drunk Australian. Hands down one of my favorite nights of this visit. Duh.

I absolutely cannot/will not believe I only have 5 weeks left in the land of Oz. How did this happen? Where did it go? Packing planning saving spending waiting, then BOOM, I'm on an air plane to Australia to pack plan spend collect and wait, and then BOOM Trip is born, and it is time to plan save play kiss giggle... pack. I still have loads to do before I board the plane home, like head to Big Day Out on Friday, see kangaroos, and drink more wine. Duh.(P.S. If you thought I'd be bringing wine home with me, I regret to inform you that I have consumed all of it. Many apologies.)
Cara and Toff have decided I am no longer allowed to say I can't cook, because it turns out I can. Last week I made portobello burgers with grilled red peppers, arugula, and garlic mayo. Tonight I am tackling a roasted veggie lasagna, complete with pumpkin and eggplant. AwhatWHAT. Awesome.

A song to be serenaded to. Naked. Of course. It's Australia.
Heaps of love,

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