Monday, April 25, 2011


does it make you deranged? No. But the worrying will.

I've been thinking about change a lot recently, and with good cause. The word is out, Cara and Toff are going to have a babybeaner. In Australia. In September. Her life is moving/growing/changing wonderfully and like all scared parents they have gracefully asked me to come and stay with them.

To sum up my life at this point I can tell you two things: 1.) I am quitting my job on July 27th and 2.) I am going to Australia.

I know, crazy right? I can go there for 3 months, have enough funds to pay all of my bills back home, and then once back in the states search for a new job and move all over again. Or I can go and stay for a year and try and find a job to cover all my bills back home and then when I'm back try and search for a new job and move all over again. The beginning is solidified, the end result is the same, it's the middle part that's got my head in a merry-go-round. There are a lot of pros and cons floating around in my head right now, lots of lists and columns I've jotted down, lots of people telling me how upset they are that I'm leaving, lots of bills and money that I don't have. In my true form I worry about all of it, constantly. And I worry about it constantly not just in my head, but to my friends as well. So when Audrey asked me, "Well, what is it that you want to do, forget everyone else and think about you," I remained silent. I have no answer, no response at all, because the truth is I have no flippin' clue. The challenges I'll face when I return to Virginia are not the issue, it's how long I leave those challenges unattended that is. So, either I'll be stateside by November or I'll see you guys next August.

One thing is for certain, that baby better be ready for a whole lotta love.

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