Thursday, June 9, 2011

Why can't dead presidents speak to me?

The eternal question. The never ending mumbojumbo. Sometimes I wish I could look at my one dollar bill and it would tell me exactly what I needed to know.

After spending several hours of my life today with four different companies trying to get someone to tell me what happens to my retirement savings when I become unemployed and what is my best option, a genius of a man named Joe finally told me "it can stay right where it is." Never was there a sweeter sentence. I tried to take economics in high school but clearly did not grasp any insight into the world of stocks, bonds, buysell, roths, money market... it's like a secret language, piglatin to my ainbray. I understand that the world of medicine is the same way for most people, but that's why I delicately dumb it down. "Why is my blood pressure high" turns into - because your pipes are clogged. "What is CDIFF" turns into - diarrhea, don't touch. Now those answers are not medically acceptable definitions but my patients feel better when they can put their healthcare in terms they understand. With the seven different people I talked to today, none of them could put my investment strategy into terms I could actually grasp. Granted, it's not their job to tell me how to manage my own money, but couldn't someone give a little hint? After hours of turmoil it turns out that my savings stay where they are and I can determine what/where they will go when I get another job. A sigh of relief for all my hard earned ones.

 In other news, I had my monthly book club meeting. A group of women from work, or (RAKA! -Rachel Angela Kirsten Audrey) decided that we would all read the same book once a month. This past book did not disappoint. Undress Me in the Temple of Heaven by Susan Gilman follows Susie and her friend Claire through communist China. It deals with mental breakdown and severe illness but when you need a laugh, it was readily supplied. Up next, The Little Giant of Aberdeen County by Tiffany Baker and although Audrey announced it today at RAKA! I'm already on chapter 3.

It's official, I'll be leaving USA for AUS on August 7th and returning March 4th. My list of things to do before I leave for AUS is growing smaller and smaller. Now that I've booked my ticket and have my Visa, do I really need anything else?


1 comment:

  1. Then again, nurses go into the profession because they want to care for people, whereas money managers go into theirs to they can spend their whole day with numbers, not people. Also: add The Time Travelers Wife to your reading group!!!!!! I cannot stress this enough :)
