Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Growing say what?

It's hard not to think about age and milestones and mortgages when you surround your days with someone who changes and ages literally from day to day (and I mean Trip, not C+T's bakery, duh). Every morning I wake up and say "you are totally bigger than yesterday/this morning/the last five seconds" which was funny until it started to speed up. If there is one thing this kid is good at, it's eating and growing. After complimenting him on his growth style I can't help but be a little sad about what things I'll be missing when I leave and then I can't help but be super insanely jealous of everyone here who gets to watch what I won't be able to.
In four months I'll be 26 and I'll only have one more month in Oz and who knows how big this kid will be. I'll be closer to 30 than I am to 20 and am I supposed to feel more mature? Should I rush back to Virginia and get a mortgage and a dog and hopefully a plant that can live to the end of a week? Should I stop thinking farts are funny? Because I don't really feel that way. I'm not feeling "clucky" or "nesty", I have no desire to have my own spit up maker right now or house or new denture, the old one works just fine and hasn't broken yet. Farts will always be funny. I actually can't stop planning this massive road trip (roadtrip!) for myself when I get home. Because C+T seem to have grown up without planning it and maybe that's the way I'll roll too. Maybe I should start listening when Australians say "no worries". With all this growing up happening around me, I don't feel that grown up. And yet at the beginning and end of everyday I can't help but feel a little better every time I brush my teeth, false and all, and Homer Simpson critiques my technique.

Hugs galore,

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