Saturday, August 22, 2009

home again home again

jiggity jig.

Cara and Toff have landed home safe in Virginia as well as Stephi, Toff's sister, all the way from Oz! They picked her up in D.C. and I met them there on Wednesday night to camp out at Mimi's new Alexandria abode. We took the metro to Old Town Alexandria, walked about, ate at an amazing Thai Restaurant, and the Americans all bought Obama shirts (I know I know, a little past the craze but better than never).

After a four hour traffic jam, Toff, Stephi, Cara, and I made it safely to Harrisonburg where we ate at our favorite place, The Artful Dodger. Then we walked down the street to the Yellow Button to peer in the windows and it turns out Miranda still had the shop open! The Yellow Button is a little shop that our friend Miranda openned recently in downtown Hbg and the walls we helped paint were beautiful.

Last night we took Stephi to the downtown mall to visit Christian's and fridays, a complete success :) Afterwards, Coro, Tayl
or, and Meg came over for a mini reunion and we sat outside enjoying the glorious night. It was wonderful to sit and have fun with some old friends that I am going to dearly miss (as I have accepted a position on 10 west at Carilion hospital in Roanoke). I've begun an apartment search and hoping that my friend from nursing school will be willing to move into a place in downtown Roanoke with me, so fingers crossed.

The books I ordered on Amazon finally arrived today and I am in love with Sookie and Bill all over again (seriously, if you love TrueBlood you must read the books). That's all for now so stay happy and healthy.

Love to all,

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

mainiac dinner

is always a winner.

The parentals have landed back in the great state of VA once more and to celebrate we cooked a true mainer dinner of steamers, corn on the cob, and lobstah (of course washed down with booze). Apparently I am loved by all in the ME for my wonderfully baked whoopie pies and granola bars and my reward was five pounds of hand picked maine blueberries. I kid not.

Cara and Toff are going to make their journey back to VA this Saturday and will return some where between the hours of 1am and 3am. I couldn't be more excited! Mother and I have begun the planning of their going away party/ Seth's birfday party for the weekend of August 29th. All are invited :)

I am devouring my new book "The Brain That Changes Itself" and am going to recommend it to anyone who has ever known someone who has had dementia, strokes, learning disabilities, is blind or deaf, has worries, obsessions, compulsions, or bad habits. Pretty much all of human kind should read this book, highly enlightening.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

my name is kikikiki ki ki

and I rock it breezki.

So, in an attempt to stay in touch with friends and loved ones without posting my ambling thoughts on the fb network, I have now constructed a blog. It may not be interesting nor informative on matters of the real world but I suppose I can give it a shot.

The K.New job search 09 is at full throttle and I am happy to announce no matter how many interviews I get, I have been offered a position in Roanoke. I had an amazing interview at UVA yesterday which included (but was not limited to) topics such as Twilight, Harry Potter, and yes, TrueBlood. I was completely myself and answered questions as such, which is exactly what I did in Roanoke persuading them to make an offer.

After meeting my loving friends, Brooke and Celia, at Miller's for a celebratory brewsky, we happened upon a rare sighting of one Maisie and was thrilled she decided to stay and chat as well. Then came along Meg and Amy and more brews were had to drink in the fact that I will now be working somewhere.

The revival at Floyfest was amazing and I am now trying to persuade as many people that I know to go next year. I spent a glorious four days with my partner in crime, Rachel, and her wonderful man Tory. Ran into Dubie and radiant family which was always a pleasure. The parentals are beginning their descent back to the state of VA today and hopefully I won't be in an empty house for too much longer.

Lots of love, -kiki.