Thursday, September 15, 2011

Happy "Birth" Day!

Dearest James Francis West or "Trip";

You were born September 14th at 6:23pm. Weighing in at 8 pounds 11 ounces, 21 inches long, with 3.5 inch long kickers! (I knew you were destined for tingers and fands, just blame your parents) Your father held up better than I did during your birth, he didn't faint or cry, (unlike your Aunt Kiki who was a blubbering mess) and was in complete control of the situation. Your mother was even more amazing, I got to see a whole other side to her strength (but I am glad your ears are too tiny to pick up on the F bombs).
You sneeze just like your Dad and have tiny elf ears just like your Mom. You make squeaky noises and have finally picked up on this whole feeding business. Normally tiny baby finger nails creep me out, but your Mom has already said I'll have to cut them for her. Surprisingly I don't mind. In fact, I'd like to cut them soon so you don't scratch that perfect face. Don't worry, I'll wait until you're already upset, so you don't associate me with crying :)
I spent yesterday assembling a baby swing that Aunt Rosie and Uncle Devin got just for you. Even though I got upset and started throwing heavy machinery around the room, I knew you'd appreciate it and play in it and swing away in it (if any one can stand to put you down for a long enough time). But even if I spend the rest of my free time assembling battery operated devices, I'll do it happily for you.
You're taking a nap with your Memay right now and every now and then she sheds a tear. She isn't sad, she's in love.

Thanks for being here,
Love your extremely happy/excited/mesmerized Aunt Kiki

1 comment:

  1. what a beautiful bit of writing. It had me smiling throughout. Keep em coming Keeks. Give everyone a big hug from us McEvillys.

    Liam x
