Thursday, September 22, 2011

salmon cakes and nocturnal

Here at casa de newborn, they post a Monday through Sunday dry erase calendar on the fridge. Work schedules are copied and placed there along with the dinner menu for the week. To be fair, and so that no one is overwhelmed in the kitchen, everyone picks a day to cook. So, every week this house is blessed with my cooking pizazz.  Now, I know what you're thinking, this is the same girl who used a turkey baster to remove excess water from brownies-in-a-box, right? Yes. And this is the same girl who added 11/3 cups of cinnamon instead of 1 and 1/3 cups to sweet potato pie? Right you are. Wait wait wait, the same girl who tried to make Kraft mac and cheese, it turned out hard and lumpy, and her mother made her eat it anyway? Correct. But now a days it truly is pizazz worthy food, well pizazz for me anyway. Tonight's menu, prepared by yours truly, was salmon cakes with garlic sauteed spinach served over rice and a soy-ginger sauce. Some may read that and think, "pppttshh, big deal" but if you've ever had to eat one of my not so mouth watering concoctions you'll know what a momentous occasion it really is. I think after so many failures in the kitchen it still surprises me that I can actually make edible food. I patiently waited until Cara and Mama Newk said that it was delicious several thousand gazillion times before I was finally able to calm down and enjoy dinner. So far I've made gourmet broccoli mac and cheese, grilled chicken and my famous veggie kabobs, apple cider roast, and winter veggie baklava. I'm actually excited to try new recipes, although C+T should beware, they may have created a kitchen monster, a creative and inventive cooking monster that may not always have the intended end result. Because that's just not how I roll.

I'll leave you with a little video of my favorite band and the recipe if you would like to make it yourself, I'm sure almost everyone will make it fancier than what I did, ain't no shame.
To love and short nights,

Salmon Cakes:
Mix 14 oz can of salmon (the cans here don't have ounces so I guesstimated), 1/3 cup bread crumbs, 1 teaspoon curry powder (again C+T don't have measuring spoons so I guesstimated), two chopped chives, juice from half of a lemon, add whatever other spices you may enjoy (we had dill laying around so added a bit of that as well). Mold into patties, coat fry pan with EVOO, cook on medium until golden (about 4 minuets on each side).
Heat EVOO (or butter if you're really going for flavor) and garlic to taste (we like a lot of garlic and minced about four cloves) until its golden, add washed spinach (depending on the serving size per person, we used a whole bushel but you could use a bag of baby spinach) and cook until wilted (we did a lot and it took about 10 minuets).
Mix 2 tablespoons soy sauce and 1/8 teaspoon ground ginger (again no measuring spoons were used and if you'd like an extra kick just keep adding that ginger), you could add chives as well if you have some extra.

Serve with rice topped with spinach topped with cakes topped with sauce. Squeeze extra lemon as needed. Voila! I can feed people!

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