Tuesday, August 23, 2011

All the places you can go

My four favorite things in Australia: Toff, Bean, Belly, & Ocean.
It has occurred to me lately that now that Cara and I are spending more time together our blogging has become extremely similar. Case in point, I was going to write about our trip to see the sunset with rum and diet coke and root beer float (and giggle at the unintentional rhyming of our beverages), but alas, she has already beat me to the punch.
Shadows at previously mentioned sunset stroll
It still amazes me that no matter how much time passes, it's as if we've been spending all day everyday together. Ex: Who else would I be able to have a full conversation about how strange Ewan McGregor's name is? "Ewan, youin trouble!" "Whatcha doin Ewan?" and at the end say at the exact same time with the exact same emphasis "Whew, that was fun!"
Beach path!
My favorite tree/flower so far, the wattle!
All kidding aside, I did finally manage to make it to and from the elusive beach path alone! I felt a great amount of self pride which quickly fizzled when I realized how easy my walks could have been previously if I hadn't been such a dofus. It's been a whole lot of cooking, eating, weeding, reading, music-ing, and wine-ing (for me). C+T took me "to town" which really means Adelaide, even though it's much more of a city than I've ever lived in. We walked the streets, had an amazing dinner at a chinese restaurant, and topped it all off with gelato.
Fun multicolored doors, Adelaide SA
Future site of Kiki's baking skills?
I've gotten fairly comfortable driving on the other side of the road, but the more comfortable I get here the more I miss my friends and family back home. Even though we can't talk on the phone every day or go grab a beer or lounge it out together, I think of all of you often and miss you tons. I have been keeping myself busy by trying to capture C+B in as many places as I can. At least for the next month we can certainly look forward to some excitement:
Mama countdown: 6 days!
First day of Oz Spring: 8 days!
Baby countdown: 24 days! (at least that's my bet)

Hurry up and come play with me!

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