Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Current Status

I apologize that I am not an extreme blogger like someone else I know, so I will try and fill you in with as much detail as I can remember...

After 23 months I left my job and began moving my belongings to 4 different houses. The last week at work was filled with many tearful goodbyes and so much pot lucking and chicken wing-ing that I'm sure I will never find that many amazing women who love to eat in one place again. My last day at work I actually showed up an hour late, whoops, and as I was getting on the elevator couldn't imagine a time when I wouldn't be riding up to the 10th floor. I can't believe how much I've already learned and how much more there is to learn, thank you ladies for letting me be my "slightly off" self.  As for my belongings, I hope I will one day find all of you again.

I spent 5 amazing days in the hills of Floyd, Virginia enjoying bluegrass, rock, burlesque, and dragons. Some amazing performances by Trampled by Turtles, Uncle Mountain, Big Daddy Love, and Grace Potter and the Nocturnals, just to name a few. The group I've gone camping with for my fourth straight FloydFest season are becoming more and more like family. And as we packed up our tents and dreamed of warm showers, it was always with a hug and a "see you same time next year."

FloydFest Dragon complete with rainbow booty
 I spent several days in Charlottesville and Bumpass rocking out with some great family and friends. Water skiing, boating, floating, and the occasional adult beverage until August 7th arrived and Dulles Airport awaited.

-"Did you leave a job behind in the States?"
-"...Well, I was unemployed and homeless when I left."

Cara and I at Brighton, first hour in Australia
So I made it, finally. After 30+ hours of traveling, 3 separate airports, at least 5 time zones, and 0 meltdowns, I arrived in Adelaide, Australia to be met by an extremely preggo Cara West. There were no real bumps in my traveling, I had no downtime in any of the airports and arrived intact with all my luggage, the only real downside was no time for duty free, sigh. Cara, Belly, and I went to lunch at Brighton Pier in a small cafe covered in Marilyn Monroe paraphernalia (and a light bulb went off as to why Cara enjoyed this particular cafe so much) right next to the ocean. She drove the long way home, down a winding road that followed the coast and cliffs and past their soon to be bakery location. By this point I had probably only slept a total of 5 hours since leaving the lake house in Virginia but I was ready to explore. Leaving Cara under blankets on the couch, I set off to find the ocean... only to take a wrong turn and end up wandering around their neighborhood for an hour. For those of you who have never been to Cara and Toffs house, it is literally two blocks from the ocean. I managed to maneuver across 2 continents and an ocean and I get lost in less than a mile radius from their house. I even stopped 5 different people, "Oh what type of accent is that, oh no wonder you're lost back here, yeah I don't even know where that street is." Maybe it's the Australian way, welcome to our country but good luck finding your way out!
I did find the Aldinga Senior Center with BINGO for all ages Wednesday and Fridays!
We ate dinner with Stephy, Toff's sister, and her boyfriend Mike, and Lila and Meg, golden retrievers, came to play too! So with a puppy in my lap and a slightly cold nose it's time to start looking for employment.

Love you all,

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